June Community Night
Fri, Jun 26
When we first conceptualized the idea of a yoga studio for musicians, we decided to focus our energy toward two main points: wellness & community. And thus, our monthly community nights were born! They are free and will be held at 7pm CST on the last Friday of each month.
Time & Location
Jun 26, 2020, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CDT
About the event
We want to do more than just chit-chat at the beginning and end of classes - We want to really get to know you. In fact, when we first conceptualized the idea of a yoga studio for musicians, we decided to focus our energy toward two main points: wellness & community. You see these ideas echoed in our three community breaths at the end of each practice, but additionally, we want to hold space for you off of the yoga mat.
And thus, our monthly community nights were born! These events are free & open to the public. They will be held at 7pm CST on the last Friday of each month, and each month with serve a different purpose or feature a fun activity.
This month, we want to hear you play!
Join us for a YAM community recital 😍
Amelia, Brianne, and Kim are excited to share music with you. AND... we have FIVE performance slots available for our community members! We wish we could hear all of you play, but these spots are first-come-first-serve. If you'd like the opportunity to perform in a safe and supportive space, reply to this email! All we ask is that you choose a piece or excerpt that is less than five minutes long so that everyone has an opportunity to perform.
If you'd rather listen than play, please join us! If you'd like to play and want to invite your friends and family, they are welcome! We can't wait to see you soon.